An air conditioner is a vital part of our modern lives and keeping it well-maintained helps it stay working properly year after year. But just like anything else in our homes, it can eventually break down and require some form of repair. When that happens, there are some things you can do before calling a technician out.

It’s important to understand how your AC works in order to maintain it properly. Learn how the different components work together and find out what can go wrong with them to keep your home comfortable and save money on air conditioning repairs.

A common air conditioner problem is when it won’t turn on or only blows warm air. This is usually a sign of a bad thermostat or an issue with the compressor. If this is the case, you can often fix it by making sure the thermostat is set to AC mode and that the temperature is lower than the current setting.

Other reasons your air conditioner may not be running include a clogged or dirty filter, low refrigerant levels, or a defective capacitor. Checking all these things is relatively easy to do and will probably help get your air conditioner back up and running before you need to call an HVAC professional for a more extensive AC repair.

The air conditioner is one of the most important appliances in a house, but it can also be among the most expensive to repair or replace. Several factors can contribute to this, including how old the unit is and whether it has been properly maintained.

In order to prolong the life of your air conditioning system, it’s important to follow a regular maintenance schedule that includes cleaning filters, adjusting belts, and ensuring that the refrigerant level is within manufacturer specifications. This is particularly important during hot weather, when temperatures rise and the pressure on the compressor increases significantly.

There are a number of things that can go wrong with an air conditioner, but some are more serious than others. A broken fan or motor, for example, can cause major problems and will probably need to be replaced by a professional. The lifespan of an air conditioning unit can also vary depending on its age, how much it is used, and the conditions in which it operates.

A faulty contactor can also be an air conditioner repair problem. This is a type of switch that’s responsible for turning different parts of the AC system on and off. It’s possible to repair a contactor, but it’s generally best to replace it completely.

Leaking refrigerant is another major AC repair problem. If your air conditioner has a leak, it can be very expensive to fix and could even ruin your equipment. Fortunately, a technician can help you resolve this by finding and fixing the leak as well as recharging your system with more refrigerant. This can also be a good time to consider replacing your AC, since it may not be able to cool or dehumidify your home without leaking.

Things You Can Do Before Calling an HVAC Technician