When an air conditioner breaks down it is often frustrating, especially when the weather is hot and humid. Fortunately, most problems can be prevented by participating in a routine maintenance program. During these appointments, technicians can inspect equipment and clean components to keep them operating correctly. If a repair is necessary, they can order parts and make the repair the same day.

If you’ve noticed any of the following warning signs that your air conditioner needs repairs, it’s important to take care of them right away to prevent expensive breakdowns and other damage.

Blowers or Fans are Not Working

Your AC unit has a blower and fan that work together to move air throughout your home’s ductwork and vent heat outside. These components are among the most common air conditioner repairs that we see. They are prone to wear and tear in hot and humid environments and tend not to receive the attention they deserve from homeowners. If you notice any rattling or buzzing coming from your ductwork, this may indicate that it is time to replace your blower motor.

Broken and Clogged Air Filters

Keeping air filters clean is important for many reasons, including improving your AC’s efficiency. It can also help extend the life of your blower and other electrical parts.

A dirty filter will restrict air flow, which can lead to overheating and short cycling. Short cycling happens when the internal chamber of the compressor gets too hot and shuts down before safety components kick in to turn it back on. Over time, this can cause major damage to the compressor.

Thermostat Issues

Problems with your thermostat can be a major reason why your AC isn’t working properly. The thermostat may be out of range or the battery may need replacing. A programmable thermostat can help reduce strain on your cooling system by giving you the ability to change your temperature settings automatically.

Breaker or Fuses Are Tripping

It’s not uncommon for power surges and other electrical issues to cause your breaker or fuse to trip. This can leave your air conditioner without power and will require an electrician to repair or replace the faulty component.

If this is happening frequently, you should consider investing in a service contract. This will provide routine inspections and cleaning, allowing technicians to catch small problems before they become bigger ones. It’s best to have this service performed by an EPA-certified technician.

Electrical Issues

The most common causes of air conditioner repairs include bad wiring, low refrigerant, and dirty coils. Some of these can be discovered during a routine tune-up, and can often be fixed by a homeowner with the proper tools, such as a multimeter, voltage detector and an assortment of insulated screwdrivers.

If your air conditioner is old, has a high repair bill or is constantly breaking down, you should consider upgrading to a new model. An air conditioning replacement is usually cheaper than repairing multiple costly components and can improve energy efficiency.

Warning Signs Your AC Needs Repairs