When an AC unit breaks down, there are some simple things homeowners can do to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Since AC repairs involve high voltage electric and refrigerant, it is recommended that you have a licensed HVAC technician diagnose and repair any issues.

One of the most common reasons our professionals are called out to homes is for air conditioners that fail to cool. This can be the result of a number of things including:

The thermostat is set incorrectly.

Dirty air filters restrict the flow of air through the evaporator coil. This can cause the evaporator coil to freeze up, which will stop the system from cooling. This can be prevented by regularly changing your air filter.

A blown fuse or a tripped breaker are both electrical issues that could cause an AC to stop working. If you flip the breaker back into place or replace a blown fuse, the AC may begin working again. However, if the breaker or fuse continues to trip or blow, you have a larger electrical problem that should be handled by a licensed electrician.

If the evaporator coil is frozen, it can be caused by a variety of things. The simplest solution is to clean the coils with a mild cleaner. However, this can be a difficult and time-consuming task for most homeowners to accomplish.

Another common reason for freezing is a clogged condensate drain line. This can lead to water back-up and leaks inside your home. This can be cleaned with a wet/dry vacuum or by using a drain pan. You can also hire a professional to clean the evaporator coils and replace the condensate pump.

The fan motor is responsible for moving the cooled air through the ductwork and into your home. This is a very reliable motor but it does have to endure extremes in temperature throughout the year. This often causes the motor to break down. It can be caused by a shorted to ground circuit (which happens when a winding in the motor fails and contacts the case or ground).

There are many other problems that could cause your air conditioner to break down, but it is important to understand that the best way to prevent AC failures is to keep up with routine maintenance. This includes changing the air filter, cleaning the evaporator coil and clearing away any debris from the outside condenser unit.

Common Reasons For AC Repairs